
“Journalism is as important, if not more important, than ever before.”

åüÃÄÖ±²¥” CNN anchor Anderson Cooper


Support responsible news and fact-based information today!

When unpopular facts are dismissed as åüÃÄÖ±²¥œfake newsåüÃÄÖ±²¥ and misinformation campaigns go viral, itåüÃÄÖ±²¥™s almost impossible for you to know who to trust and what information is true.

A free and independent press, enshrined in the foundations of American democracy, is an antidote to this epidemic. But it is under attack and under strain.

åüÃÄÖ±²¥ addresses these issues directly by helping provide you with ethical, fact-based journalism you rely on every day to navigate your world. Our programs include:

  • Teaching 50,000 journalists, students and educators worldwide each year the vital skills they need to practice ethical journalism.
  • Fact-checking pundits and political leaders to hold them accountable for reporting information you can trust.
  • Bringing prominent journalists into communities to improve understanding of important issues and build trust between citizens and the news media.

åüÃÄÖ±²¥œIt’s just so hard to separate who I am as a reporter from what åüÃÄÖ±²¥ has done for me. Supporting teaching institutions like åüÃÄÖ±²¥, you can have an impact. By changing the journalist, you can change the world.åüÃÄÖ±²¥
åüÃÄÖ±²¥” Alexandra Zayas, award-winning investigative reporter and senior editor at ProPublica



A number of companies and foundations also support our work.

To explore ways to support åüÃÄÖ±²¥, or for any questions, please contact Deborah Read, chief development officer, at

All contributions are 100% tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law and are restricted for use on åüÃÄÖ±²¥åüÃÄÖ±²¥™s operating programs.

Tax ID # 59-1630423

Learn more about åüÃÄÖ±²¥åüÃÄÖ±²¥™s impact on communities, families, and citizens by watching this video:

